Lord Of The Rings – The One Ring

This Lord of the Rings One Ring actually glows in the dark… My precious! 

The glow in the dark material used is of a very high quality. Compared to regular sulfide photoluminescent pigments it glows 10 times longer.


You have to charge the ring by holding it under the light a few minutes before you wear it in the dark, it will gradually release its light energy throughout the night. It can be charged by sunlight or with a UV Black Light.

Each Color has a different glow time. See Below*
TURQUOISE Glows For Up To 9 hours (brightest in the first hour)
GREEN Glows For Up To 12 hours (brightest in the first hour)
DEEP BLUE Glows For Up To 6 hours (brightest in the first hour)
ORANGE Glows For Up To 20 to 30 minutes (brightest in the first 10 minutes)
PURPLE Glows For Up To 30 minutes (can only be recharged under the sun or a black-light)
WHITE Glows For Up To 8 hours (brightest in the first hour)
RED Glows For Up To 15 minutes
PINK Glows For Up To 30 minutes
YELLOW Glows For Up To 5 minutes but it is the brightest and most impressive, can be charged under any ambient light in a few seconds.(is a light orange on daylight)

The Product Lifespan is 20 years (can be charged indefinitely)

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