Best Halloween Costumes For 2018!

best halloween costumes for 2018




Sometimes figuring out what to wear for Halloween can be tough, especially if you wait last minute like us. Instead of dressing as a slutty Harry Potter again this year, check out this list we put together and maybe you’ll find something you like!


Inflatable Tubeman Halloween Costume

wacky waving inflatable tubeman halloween costume

It’s Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubeman… In Halloween costume form! Show off your awesome dance skills by flailing around like an idiot this year. Heck… you can even use this costume outside of Halloween and get a job working in front of a car dealership. The possibilities are endless! This costume is available on Amazon Prime, so you can get this bad boy shipped to you with plenty of time for Halloween. Or you know… your new job.


Inflatable Trump Halloween Costume

inflatable trump halloween costume

Whether you like the guy or not, this costume is freaking hilarious. Make it extra funny by dressing up your top half as Kim Jong Un, or Hilary Clinton, or a dinosaur, or a slutty Harry Potter. I dunno. Use your imagination. Either way, piggybacking on the President is awesome, and will definitely get you large size candy bars at every house you go to.


Han Solo In Carbonite Inflatable Halloween Costumehan solo in carbonite inflatable halloween costume

This one is for the Star Wars nerds! Imagine going to an epic Halloween party. Everyone is dancing and drinking. And there you are… standing in the corner, not moving for the next 4 hours. You’ll totally vibe everyone out and definitely not be invited to next year’s party! Or better yet, go trick or treating and just stand motionless in front of the door when they answer, until they get really nervous and close the door on your face. AWESOME!


Light Up Stick Figure Costumes

Ok, now this one is just too cool. What LED us to add this costume to our list? Well we FIGURED we should STICK with the most awesome options out there. Our puns might suck, but this costume definitely doesn’t! This one is called the Glowy Zoey, and it will definitely get you seen around the neighborhood. And before you say “but guys, I can just buy glow sticks and duct tape them to my body”, just stop. You’ll look like a cheap idiot, and you’ll glow so dim people will spit in your candy bucket. You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting that. Besides, this costume can be used year round for other awesome stuff since it comes with a battery pack and won’t die like your stupid glow stick idea.


Inflatable T-Rex Costume

This one is a classic so you’ve probably seen it, but we can’t NOT add it to our list. Who doesn’t wanna be a T-Rex for halloween? It’s awesome. Hopefully your short stumpy arms can reach the doorbell when trick or treating. Again, this is one of those rad costumes where you can wear it on other days, not just Halloween. You’ve seen the videos on youtube of people wearing this while snowboarding, or jet skiing, or skateboarding, right? Make your own viral video wearing this costume while performing one of your many awesome talents like… browsing the internet.


Wolverine Claws

wolverine claws

Booya. Wolverine claws. Probably super impractical for trying to pick candy out of a bowl, but if anyone laughs at you you can threaten them with physical harm with these super scary finger knives. Then awkwardly apologize and ask for assistance picking out the candy you want. “No not that one. To the left. The Reeses peanut butter cup. No! That’s a butterfinger! THAT ONE! You know what, forget about it.” Then run home crying. Just don’t poke your eye out while sobbing uncontrollably into your claw hands.


Pickle Rick Inflatable Costume

“I’m Pickle Riiiiick!!!! Dress up as one of Rick and Morty’s most popular characters from Season 3 this year. There’s not many options for Rick and Morty costumes, but luckily our good friends over at Palamon made this officially licensed costume just in time for Halloween. Get it on Amazon Prime right now!


Horse Head Mask

Here’s another classic… the infamous horse head. It doesn’t make sense. We don’t know why it’s so insanely popular and funny, but it just is. it’s like $14 with free shipping on Amazon Prime if you’re cheap and lazy, or you can go all out and wear something funny from the neck down, like a slutty Harry Potter costume.



So that’s our list of Halloween costumes for 2018. You’ve only got a few days left to order your costume, so don’t wait last minute! We hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! Make sure to check out the rest of our website for more cool, geeky, and tech type products!

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